The CSJ has developed an expanded and far reaching positive image program designed to improve public perception of the contributions of Italians and Italian-Americans. These are ongoing projects consisting of campaigns to produce posters, pamphlets, bookmarks and book covers of famous Italians and Italian-Americans in various fields of accomplishment and sponsors shows and conferences promoting Italians and Italian Americans in a positive manner.

Columbus Poster for children

Nassau and Suffolk County School Districts Italian Language Survey

Anthony De Vito talks about saying no to Mob roles

View the YouTube Video "Through Lincoln's Eyes: The Fight for Luigi Del Bianco's Legacy":

Posters and Bookmarks

We have completed posters and bookmarks of Italian American Sports heroes, Italian Composers, Italian Explorers, Italian and Italian-American Women, Italian Scientists and Nobel Prize Winners, Italian Inventors, Italian American Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, and we are in the process of developing additional posters and pamphlets promoting famous Italian and Italian Americans. We have distributed over 50,000 positive image book covers thus far in New York State and we donated the book covers for National CSJ use. As of this date, over 50,000 book covers have been ordered by states other than New York through the National CSJ. This is indeed a tribute to the New York CSJ in our foresight in developing an active and far-reaching positive image program.

Check out our newest posters:

Italian Inventors Poster
Italian Inventors
Italian Scientists Poster
Italian Scientists
Italian Composers Poster
Italian Composers
Italian Hall of Fame Poster 1
Italians in Baseball
Hall of Fame - 1
Italian Hall of Fame Poster 2
Italians in Baseball
Hall of Fame - 2

Positive Image Program

This program where lodges or individuals can obtain printed materials promoting famous Italians is presently under review and being updated.


Ernesto Teodoro Moneta, 1907, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Ernesto Teodoro Moneta
Stamp of Congressonal Medal of Honor award winner John Basilone issued November 10, 2005 Franco Modigliani,1985, awarded Nobel Prize in Economics for his pioneering 
analyses of saving and of financial markets
Franco Modigliani
I Am an Italian