The New York Commission for Social Justice (CSJ) is the anti-defamation arm of the New York Grand Lodge,
Order Sons of Italy in America. Founded in 1980, Mathew Nizza of Franklin Square, New York was the CSJ's first president.
The two primary goals of the CSJ are:
1. To fight bias, bigotry and defamation aimed at Italian Americans as well as other groups
2. To promote a positive image of Americans of Italian decent.
The CSJ collaborates with other groups to promote mutual tolerance and ensure that people of all races, religions and cultures are
treated with dignity and respect.
The New York State CSJ office is located in Bellmore, New York and the CSJ National Office is located in Washington,
D.C. The New York State CSJ is organized into districts, with each district having CSJ liasons or representatives from local lodges in the district's geographical area. The districts
are led by a District Chairperson who represents his or her district at the state level. The State Officers, the CSJ Executive Committee and the District Chairpersons
support and govern the CSJ.
If you have any questions about the CSJ you may email the New York State CSJ Chairman
The NYS CSJ can be reached at the following address:
Commission for Social Justice
Order Sons of Italy in America
2101 Bellmore Avenue
Bellmore, NY 11710