George Washing Machine, Portables, & Submarine Races, My Italian-American Life
By Michael Cutillo

Michael Cutillo skillfully shares his family's adventures in America and Il Bel Paese as
we become familiar with their pronunciation and antics that will remind all of us of
someone we love. The series of vignettes, which each begin with an Italian proverb,
keep you engaged, laughing and bring back wonderful memories of Italian-American
childhood and the trips back and forth that are so characteristic of first-generation
immigrants. The stories connect many immigrants' journey of assimilating into a new
country while preserving their first love of Italy and the traditions, culture, values and of
course, food of their origin! The love of family, whether across the ocean, or just next
door is highlighted in the many stories that Michael Cutillo writes about in his award
winning book, George Washing Machine, Portables, & Submarine Races, My
Italian-American Life, that he dedicated to his father and other family members.

Book Review written by Lisa Serafini and Alison Vitucci 

Christopher Columbus: THE HERO
Defending Columbus from Modern-Day Revisionism
by Rafael

In years past, society overwhelmingly viewed Christopher Columbus as a discoverer,
pioneer, hero, and in modern terms, "cutting edge". Unfortunately, that is not the case
today due to modern-day revisionists who portray Columbus as a villain and have
consequently misinformed generations. As the author states in the introduction of the
book, he looks to set the record straight about Columbus, and indeed he does! Rafael, a
Taino descendent, accomplishes this by writing the book so that you feel he is having a
zealous conversation with you and is able to refute the inaccurate accounts by
"so-called" modern day scholars by using primary sources in each chapter from people
who actually knew Columbus and by quoting Columbus' own diary. Chapter by chapter
Rafael dispels each myth, presenting information from multiple sources and historical
documents with insights about the time period. After reading this book, it is clear that
Columbus is indeed a hero and his legacy and the federal holiday should be preserved
for future generations. For those who look to preserve Columbus' legacy, this book is a
"must read" so they can educate themselves about the truth about Columbus and then
re-educate those who have been misinformed.

Book Review written by Lisa Serafini and Alison Vitucci